Make an impression with your business card

You’re at one of those esteemed cocktail parties or networking events where you have to work the room. You have to make a dynamite impression within a short span of time. Somewhere following that great elevator pitch that you just gave comes the opportunity to exchange contact information, usually a business card to follow-up with an appointment, etc.

Just like a weak handshake can leave a bad impression, so too can a poorly designed, flimsy business card.

If you’re wrapping up a brief or lengthy communication, you want your business card to reinforce some of what you discussed in that communication. In the case where the only thing you can do is to share your card; then you want the card to entice someone to contact you for additional information.

Think of your business card as your calling card for future opportunities. It should reflect the personality of your business, an extension of your brand.

Below is a list of the most common elements for business cards.

01. Company Logo
02. Company Tagline
03. Your Name
04. Your Title
05. Phone and Fax
06. Email Address
07. Website Address
08. Mailing Address
09. Social Media Links
10. Choose Your Card Stock Wisely







Anatomy of a Business Card image by Peace and Harmony

The layout of your card should reflect the basic principles of design. If those principles need to be broken, let a professional designer do it; someone that has a flair for going against the grain creatively and successfully.

Other options to consider:

We recommend an integrated marketing strategy that connects All of your marketing efforts, through All of your marketing materials, which reflect your unique brand. Your business card/calling card is one of many marketing materials.

A professional designer and marketing team can help you develop a color palette. The color palette is a designer tool for creating color combinations that work well together. Good web designers choose color carefully to serve a strategic purpose for their respective piece.

Finally, if your budget will allow for printing, on both the front and back sides of your card, take advantage of the back side and expand your message.

For more information contact Peace & Harmony Solutions, Inc. Marketing or Print Division.